Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I was up late the other night working on some music, studio monitor headphones plugged into my computer.  I paused the music and removed my headphones to discover an electrical buzz ringing throughout the apartment.  I checked the television: it was off.  I checked the stereo: also powered off.  Vibrations in the walls are sometimes generated from the building's heating and cooling system; I checked them: nothing.  Finally, I walked over to check the seal of our large, metal-framed windows, turned the latch, and the sound stopped.  Puzzled, I re-latched the window, began to step away as the buzz came back:  sharp, piercing . .  I looked up, eye level out towards the city, there it was . .  

Nearly 100 yards above the earth, on a window outside the 29th floor, a green, grasshopper-looking insect 2" in length.  I peered in for a closer look, flashlight in hand.  Antennae oscillating in circles, the sides of the torso pulsing rapidly in and out like the lungs of a fatigued runner . .

Have you ever watched an insect breathe? 

My last entry focused on changes in nature, many from our influence.  Much of the reading and research I've done since my move to Chicago has centered around the interconnected nature of existence . . the energy that surrounds and binds us to everything else.  I've also been learning about the connection between nature and time-- cycles and behaviors of life that we're only now beginning to recognize.  The unexpected and surprising habits of insects and animals have been clamoring for attention of late; what their actions are pointing towards is not yet clear . . . but certainly worthy of a closer look.

The idea of our entire planet forming a single organism flooded my head last Sunday morning.  I had embraced the notion years ago, but for some reason, on this particular morning, a crystal clear vision and understanding of this concept formed in my mind.  I was driving back to the city from a friend's lake house in Wisconsin when it came to me.  Perhaps spawned from some time spent away from the urban scape, or maybe thinking of new friends and my connection to them . . . probably a mix of the two.  

The literal concept quickly turned visual as I began to imagine positive energy created between my friends and I as glowing light.  I saw a moving image of dots on the globe, creative souls gathering together working towards a common goal, more and more light radiating as the dot collective increased.  This light represented positive change, healing, solving of problems, solutions to the planets ills.  The vision was the result of recognizing our capabilities as a human race unified . . . 
a greater understanding of "harvesting star light" as Carl put it.   

Imagine each earthly element playing the role of a single cell.  Just like cells of the human body, earth elements unite to create forms, perform specific functions, and combat obstacles.  Imagine an infrared satellite image of Earth from orbit . .  telescope in and focus on individual regions or bodies of land . . imagine the light you're zooming in on representing positive, nurturing activity and the people responsible for it.

The light in our model is only a stimulating symbol for an actual field of energy.  I'm not aware of any device capable of physically capturing an image of this energy, but its existence is concrete.  This force is perhaps the least understood and most important layer of existence.  The concept has been around since the earliest civilizations but like so many other great understandings, has yet to receive popular embrace in the new world. 

As darker, less predictable times approach it will become more and more important that we farm and harvest this star light . . .

Our destiny has our children, and children's children inheriting a planet requiring their illumination . . . 

We must work to understand our responsibility for this moment in time . . . and shine.

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