Saturday, January 15, 2011


Are people out there evolving and learning to read between the lines? Is the media still operating at it's same old speed, up to its same old tricks? Does it seem like people are beginning to come around on the reality of our circumstance? Have you felt a weakening in the official story? Is there hope that people will learn to start brushing away the clouds created to distort their vision?

Though news stories and mass media continue to guide public perspective, times like these encourage people to reconsider the ancient laws of nature and common sense. As political, economic, and military movement continue down their dark path, people have started their transition back into classical, rational lines of thinking. I'm not speaking of the population represented in print and television interviews/surveys . . nor the hoards of people moving through the streets and popular trends like a flock of sheep.

I'm speaking of the people I meet.

More often than not, the people I meet are already halfway to understanding. Those who are oblivious to the information I share with them are almost without exception open and eager to learn more. The common response, which brings me great comfort, is the question of what can we do about it, and how can the word be spread most successfully . .

It's funny how easily people gravitate to truth when it's made available. It's almost like a secret handshake, a symbol of belonging to the group on the just side, not yet able to go public with it.

What a look of relief on the faces of like minded individuals presented with grounded perspective . .
Eyes wide open; freedom found within, unlike anything they've ever felt . .

The mental conflict experienced when people are presented with evidence that their beliefs or assumptions are wrong is known as cognitive dissonance.

On Columbus' first landing in the new world awestruck natives inquired how he and his men traveled to their land, they gestured to their fleet of ships.  The natives looked out on the water, squinted, adjusted their vision; all the while looking directly out at the ships. The natives were looking exactly where advised, ships plainly in sight, but invisible to them. The concept of such tremendous vessels, traveling across such a mass of water, was so foreign to these people, their minds could not translate what was directly in front of them.

Many souls exist under these same conditions today . . seemingly impossible to register reality as it unfolds . .

Recognition = Cognitive Dissonance.

It's only a phase.

An uncomfortable state of limbo between two roads.

One road has been traveled by the overwhelming masses since the dawn of the age. The other is uncertain; yet rich with opportunity clamoring for discovery.

Understanding a problem is halfway to its solution.

The road less traveled has plenty of room for travelers; fresh air and water, no traffic, no deception or confusion, no destination; just the promise of a peaceful future . . a balanced, fruitful age of clarity and growth . .

. . and transition.

I have lived on the lip of insanity
Wanting to know reasons
Knocking on a door, it opens
I have been knocking from the inside!
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī

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