Sunday, April 25, 2010


Being human is like a guest house.
Each morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all.
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice; meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. 


Personal communication has advanced to a point where we're able to remain in touch with as many people as we like; to whatever extent we choose. As our collections of "friends" on the web continue to grow, how are the depths of our relationships affected? Is it possible that the easier it is to keep in touch, the more remote our connections become?

Each who reads this message has left a valuable, impacting impression on my life in some way. Through the miracle of modern technology; two weeks back, I was able to lift over 100 of your e-mail addresses with the click of a button.

I was unexpectedly pleased, in a unique and unfamiliar way, from a single click.

The Smog Chronicles began nearly a year ago. Prior to this posting there were around 50 recipients, more or less comprised of anyone who's phone number I've had.

There isn't any advertising or product placement here. No donations requested or surveys to be filled out. No "groups" to join, "becoming a fan", "likes", or "friend requests".

Here I share discovery, insight, and truth.

I'm not reaching out to each of you because I want something; I'm reaching out because I have something to give you.


With the mass increase of recipients, there's a good chance this letter, and ones to follow, will be automatically routed to your spam folders. It's possible that some of you might feel my words right at home with the rest of your "junk mail". Others might simply find difficulty processing and accepting what I have to share. Though I sincerely hope you read this message and embrace it's singular calling, if you'd prefer not to be bothered with it, please let me know . .

By no means would I attempt to add water to a glass that's already full.

You are reading these words because you mean more to me than can be relayed through the generic confines of Facebook. As I continue to craft entries, the knowledge that you might take time out of your day to check in with me and my perspective will provide great inspiration for me to shine light as best as I can.

The first 16 entries are accessible in the blog archive on the right side of your page should you choose to absorb the foundation of this effort.

Those who've been along since the beginning; thanks for your perpetual endorsement.

Everything is connected.  

Everyone is connected.

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